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EP 9 - What if you Could Fear Less? With Bisi MacGregor

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TedX speaker and FEAR LESS coach Bisi MacGegor shares how fear often gets in the way!

After recognizing that there isn’t ONE right way to create a business, Bisi followed the desires of her heart and is creating her business true to her own style! She created Brunch with Bisi and is creating a safe space for conversations about fear over waffles. Bisi is empowering leaders and teams to show up powerfully by disrupting their fear mindset!

Jaime White

Hello, and welcome to the Believe Crew Podcast,The Business Is You. I'm Jamie White, Founder of Believe Crew and your host, let's jump right in. I love to jump right in. And today we have Bisi MacGregor with us here. And I'm wondering to see if you can tell me when you started in business and a little bit about what you do and how you help your clients.

Bisi MacGregor

Absolutely. Thank you for having me, Jaime. So when did I start in business, full time business was 2018. I was a corporate baby up until then, that's what I call myself 22 years in corporate finance. And I shifted completely what I do. And today I'm a life and mindset coach, I'm the founder of Fear or Freedom, and the creator of the Live More Fearless methodology. So what I do in my business is I work with high achievers, business professionals, corporate professionals to go after whatever it is they desire, without fear ever holding them back again.

Jaime White

That's huge. Fear is huge. So I'm curious because I have zero experience in corporate I grew up in entrepreneurial family. And so for me, family businesses, the norm, how was it making that transition? And what? What was like the moment where you were like this is, it's time.

Bisi MacGregor

Yeah. So how was it? First of all, nerve-wracking? So I always admired and envied people like you. And that was also people like you, when I say that is people who have the entrepreneurial background. And that was the excuse I gave myself. A lot of times, I don't know how to do this thing called business. I don't know how to do, I don't have an entrepreneurial bone in my body. You know, I'm corporate. My father is an engineer, he was in corporate till he retired my mom, the radiograph, for corporate until she retired. I don't know how to do this thing. So needless to say, I was riden by fear. And I was successful in corporate, I mean, I climbed a ladder, the proverbial corporate ladder, you know, overlooking the Hudson, and all of that in New York City. And there just came a point where something was missing, which finance was not doing at all, it just was not hitting that point for me. And the moment I say to people that I've had three divorces in my life, I know don't don't judge me. They're not all men, not all women is one man. The second is my corporate career. And the third really was the biggest piece of it, which was me, who was trapped in my own fear trapped in climbing this ladder, or trapped in a relationship where I didn't recognize who I was.

Jaime White

Isn't that amazing? Like, we don't even know that. That's, oh, my goodness. Like, when I think about the things that I've learned in the last couple of years, I was stuck and didn't know it. You know, it's like you just like, how do you describe being somewhere that you don't totally want to be but not knowing that you're actually there? So being trapped by fears and fears that are really not, I mean, they don't hit you in the face and say, I'm a fear, by the way. Like, they kind of come up and just kind of keep you stuck. But so. So there's this moment where you're incorporated and you're like, nope, and I'm gonna, I love that you're divorcing three different. Three different.

Bisi MacGregor

Yeah, too. I really had to Jamie otherwise. I no longer recognize myself. I didn't recognize who I was my voice, my values, none of it. It was like I just didn't, I was busy checking boxes. Yeah. But it seemed like the one box that was missing was a box of my heart. And just that just was not in the equation at all, at all. And I what I've realized in my journey, and the journey of a lot of my clients and women that I talked to, a lot of people are trapped, whether in relationships and jobs, they don't prefer in friendships even. Yes, yeah. In lives, they do not prefer you know, I had a conversation with a young lady just recently, and it was her 20th wedding anniversary. And she posted a picture of her and the husband and the whole family and all of that beautiful. Yeah. And I said, I want to know what the truth is. What's going on? And we get on the phone and do you have a cold? What's going on? She had been crying, just crying and crying. So what is going on? I just had this intuitive hit to reach out like I want to know what is the truth of this picture because Something didn't seem right. So everyone on the outside there are looking at this picture. And everybody's doling out congratulations and all of that stuff. She's busy crying, they have no clue that they have not spoken, her and her husband have not spoken in weeks. He's not even home. They do not sleep in the same room. So fear will have you conforming because it says, Oh, you have to have a marriage looks like it's working. Right, right. And people are dying inside. You know, I had to say to myself,

Jaime White

I would like to say that this is an epidemic. But I come from a similar belief system of believing that we're seeing all these pictures that make it seem like everything is fine. But the reality is something different. And we're not sure how, like we've been trained to present as though everything is fine. And we've not been trained on how to deal with so how do you help clients through that?

Bisi MacGregor

Gosh, yeah. So it's really for me, the first step is awareness. I think so many people are walking around, asleep. They don't know.

Jaime White

Do you listen to Anthony de Mello. Oh, he's he has a book where it's it was called awareness. And then he said, everyone is asleep.

Bisi MacGregor

Oh, my Goodness

Jaime White

It is so great.

Bisi MacGregor

Yeah, that's funny. Yeah. So I really truly believe we're walking around asleep. People do not know who they are at all. And that was my big first step is awareness. Who am I? What does my voice sound like? What do I like? What do I not like? What am I values? What do I stand for? What are my standards? How do I make decisions? You know, one of them. Big statistic that kind of shifted everything for me. Early on in my career or my journey, this personal growth journey was this statistic that talks about more than 75% of our decisions are rooted in fear.

Jaime White


Bisi MacGregor

Okay, more than 75%? And let me break this down. This basically says, you're usually saying yes, so then you want to say no to a no to a thing you want to say yes to 75% of the time. And then you go to bed and are like, why did I really don't even want to go there? Why did I alright, tomorrow, I'm not going to an end tomorrow, you do the same thing over and over again.

Jaime White

This is incredible. Like, I knew that fears were driving a lot of decisions in that it was I mean, I had a post on LinkedIn that I've been working on where it says something like, you know, low confidence and anxiety and fears are plaguing organizations today, because it's the employees coming in, don't have the ability to operate out of love instead of fear. But I didn't know these statistics. This is incredible.

Bisi MacGregor

Yes, yes. So we're usually making a decision based on a certain outcome. I don't want them to think I'm stupid. So let me show up this way. I don't want them to think. Let me do this, as opposed to what you truly want. I visited an office not too long ago, I did a Facebook live about this. And there was this frame in the off in a conference room and it said, cute, work hard, and be nice to people. And I remember staring at this thing. And I was like, No, is this the issue? This is the issue. So I'm thinking to myself, people are coming in every day, looking at this thing, work, hard work, hard work, it's embedded in our subconscious. Heck, we've been told this, since we were little, Hey, honey, you're gonna have to work hard, you know, now you're in third grade. Now you're going to middle school, you're gonna have to work hard, you're gonna have to work hard. So we go to work, trying to work hard. Everything is just rigid and hard. And then the second piece is be nice to people. For me, nice is being polite, polite, like takes away our right to be authentically who we are to self express. Right? And then to other people, like whatever happened to us in the equation.

Jaime White

Right? That's interesting, because I'm an Enneagram eight. And so I'm a challenger. And so for me being nice, is so different than someone that is in Enneagram to you know, like, they might be interested in people pleasing, and I'm more like, I'm gonna challenge what you're saying. And that's me being nice. And I'll talk to wives that are like, you know, my husband is just really, you know, some the way that they describe him and I'm like, just so you know, that's probably me and the relationships so like, I know you're really nice and like Harmony Seeking and whatever, but I'm not. And like I want permission to be able to be me. So I want them to have permission to be them. Like if you are built to be a challenge or be a challenger in a healthy way. Understand understanding my own gifts and strengths, and what is it when I'm healthy? And what is it when I'm not? Because an Enneagram Eight when we're not healthy, not pretty? Not permission, you know not to be that, but so I love that you have studied this at this level, and that you help your clients with this. How is it that you found building your business when you are stepping into business? And, you know, finding some of these fears that you didn't know, were there before? How do you work through that for yourself?

Bisi MacGregor

I gotta walk myself through my own methodology number one,

Jaime White

When you coach yourself, right,

Bisi MacGregor

Yes. And also really, really have mentors and coaches as well. I mean, I think I would not be where I am today in business. So I left corporate may 2018. Within 18 months, I took my business to a little over $200,000 within 18. That's incredible. Yeah, even I know. Thank you. And yeah, I know, I wouldn't be there wouldn't have created that if I didn't have mentorship or a coach by my side. Because here's the truth. When I first started the first couple of months, I was on my computer 15 hours a day, trying to figure it out, putting in the same hours I did when I was a corporate, but not getting any results. And I'm thinking what is going on what is going on. I remember when I started doing videos, and there was this what I would call my representative, you know, trying to get be super professional and all that stuff that people are meant to work with. They don't recognize me, they cannot hear me because you know, and of course I was operating from fear. I don't want you to therefore fear says the riskiest thing you could do is be yourself. So you better talk like nobody else is talking. You better do it the way Jamie, you've she has a microphone that has that thing, to do that You know, so coming against these things and being able to identify them. So what I do with my clients is that awareness piece, and when you begin to see and notice what your fears are, cuz like you said, it's not it doesn't say, Hey, I'm fear. And it doesn't always feel like I'm afraid.

Jaime White

Right? There isn't always anxiety connected to it. Interesting. That's very true.

Bisi MacGregor

No, it could look like overwhelm. Oh, my God, I'm so tired. It could look like just busy. It could look like not being able to say I'm sorry. Or asking for what you want. asking for support. So if you're able to identify those things, quick enough, then you're able to do something about it. You know, and when usually when I remind myself or my clients that it's not you fears is doing its job, like fear is the only reason why fear is to keep you safe. That's all it is. That is all all it is. And it does its job quite relentlessly and very well. You know it but what's important to know is that fear, and I love what one of my mentors, Rhonda Britton says, she says fear is an affirmation of your growth. Love Yeah, because the only time fear rears its head, is when you're stepping out of your comfort zone. When you're doing something unknown, and like, I don't know, am I gonna be rejected? Or the rats are gonna say no, am I going to fail? Am I gonna succeed? That's the only time fear comes up. So if you begin to see that and say, Oh, I must be growing.

Jaime White

New perspective, I love it.

Bisi MacGregor

Exactly. So yes, I'm really pushing against all of those. So walking myself through my own methodology, using my own tools, and leaning on support was really huge.

Jaime White

So when you first started the business, and you were sitting at the computer 15 hours a day and not getting the traction you were thinking about, what changed?

Bisi MacGregor

Oh, gosh, it kept doing that over and over. And then I had conversate I just started having conversations. You know, I was doing a lot of free stuff. Let me do this free webinar. Let me do this free and then we try to figure it out. And then finally something clicked and said, This is where you Let's go ask for some support. Let's have a conversation with someone who has been where you are trying to go. Let us let's just try that busy. Let's see. light bulb moment. Let's see what happens. You know. And I did I had this conversation. I said, You know what, this is the time and what it required was courage on my end, courage to really bet on myself. Because that is for me. That's what that investment in a meant in mentors or coaches is being willing it's not an investment And then I'm the investment.

Jaime White

That's you. Yeah. So So that's absolutely huge. That's what I love to think about when we're building businesses that are asset-based and an investment in an asset-based business. I mean, it's not even a question, right? You're going to have to make an investment in that business. And so, I mean, what if the business is us? What if we are the lid to the capacity of the business that we're building as visionaries, and as coaches and as entrepreneurs? What is the investment that we need to make in ourselves? And I didn't know that naturally, you know, I thought that I needed to make an investment in how to learn how to be better at marketing, or how to learn how to be better at customer service, or how to learn how to be better at reading a profit and loss statement. But I didn't understand how do I make an investment in myself? And so not like recognizing that that's not a natural thing? It's something that somebody else is able to mentor us through? And it's actually a learned thing and like leadership, a learned thing? Who knew? Yeah. So is there anything that comes to mind when you think about like how you have really been able to help your clients or something that you would really love to continue to share with people that are thinking about any of the things that you help them with? What is something that comes to mind that you'd like to help

Bisi MacGregor

you just touched on is leadership. And what I would say is self-leadership. I think there's so much talk around leadership and even personal growth. And to your point, when we are building a business that is based on us, we are the assets. How do you begin to invest in yourself? What kind of investment that you put in yourself? You know, yes, it's not to say the marketing the sales, trainings aren't good investment. Absolutely. We want to learn those things. But the truth is, the degree to which we develop is the degree to which we can build our businesses. Yeah. Because our what we are exchanging for money is our power. That is the currency. And for me, that is built in upon self-leadership, one of the ways that I have expanded my business and myself personally, professionally, has been me up-leveling myself leadership. What does that mean? Me being able to hold myself through the ups and the downs? Me being able to navigate my own thoughts, my own feelings, my emotions, my behaviors, my actions, me cleaning up my standards for myself, holding myself accountable, being accountable to me, first and foremost, before anyone else like being, you know, I hear a lot of people wanting accountability. But what if they're not there? Can I lead myself through? Can I do that, so that there's a big piece,

Jaime White

there's a couple of things coming to mind. One is, with what you said about leadership, and I'm on a mission to add personal development or leadership for ourselves as a line item on business, profit and loss sheets, because we have all these other investments. But if that's not a line item, then we don't even understand that a percentage of our income needs to be going back into that. And it wasn't a line item when I was taught about, you know, what, what percentage to go towards marketing and advertising? Or what percentage to go towards rent in a building, you know, back in the day when, when it was more that kind of a thing, but creating it as a line item to recognize it needs a number. Yeah, we need to be willing to make that investment in ourselves. And the other thing that's coming to mind is the book by, let's see, Don Miguel Ruiz. Yeah, that's called The Four Agreements. Yeah. So when I first read that when I was starting my journey, the first one was something like honor your word or integrity with your word. Does that sound? Yes? And what you were just saying about being accountable to yourself. That was what was this eye opener for me that I would make appointments with people. And then if somebody else that I deemed as more important, would make would ask me for time, I would leave that spaces available, even though I had already committed that time. And so I made this new commitment to myself, that I was going to have integrity with my word. And if I said I was meeting someone at 10 o'clock, I was going to meet them at 10 o'clock, and it didn't matter if the President called I was not available at 10 o'clock on that day, you know, pick a different time. And I couldn't believe how people in my inner circle tested me at levels that I didn't know, I was gonna be tested, you know, like the people that the relationships that I had in my life that weren't actually beneficial because they were testing me when I wanted to have integrity with my words, and who was really the problem there, right me or them? And so is there anything else that comes up for you? When you think about that?

Bisi MacGregor

Yeah, what do you say that two things come up? So I feel like there are two things. Yes, there's a testing, because people are so used to gettin their way. Whilst you're inconvenienced. It's okay. You're inconvenience. As long as they're fine. It's okay. And they're not doing this. On purpose. They're not doing this maliciously. That's just the way it's, it's worked. And now you're saying, Wait, what? You can't meet me? Wait, no, you can't do what I want. Now, all of a sudden, they're inconvenienced. So yes, there's that test piece. And then the other piece for me, I believe, is when we set a standard for ourselves. When we make a decision. I feel like God the universe is like, let's see if you really mean business.

Jaime White

100%? Yeah,

Bisi MacGregor

let's see if you really mean business. And this is where the self-leadership comes through. Because all of the obstacles all of the fears come up. What are they going to think about you? What are they going to say? And can you walk yourself through to the other side? Can you uphold your standard? And I feel like that's part of the work most people retreat? Because it's hard work playing, pressing the edge of your comfort zone? It is like, it's not it's not easy. It's simple. It's

Jaime White

Yeah. Speaking of that, what is pushing you at the edge of your comfort zone right now?

Bisi MacGregor

Ooh. So I have I have a callin' right to lead women into liberation, in a way that I haven't been called before. My background is Nigeria. My parents are Nigerian, I was born in United States. And within that culture, women, for the most part, you're always your father's daughter or your husband's wife. You hardly belong to who you are. You don't know who you are. So people, women are finding themselves just operating within these confines. And I am called to shatter that.

Jaime White

That's amazing.

Bisi MacGregor

I believe, we won't be fulfilled, we will not be able to walk in our purpose. If we are not fully expressed. I believe that is the purpose.

Jaime White

Yeah. I just read somewhere that women making, let's say, less than 80,000 a year. It's actually like the new stay-at-home mom, right. Like, there's really, that's not really women stepping into their purpose and calling, Yeah.

Bisi MacGregor

And I mean, when I think about women, on purpose, stepping into their calling, the world changes. Yeah, the world changes in a way that Oh, my goodness. So we are I'm part of this paradigm shift, if you will.

Jaime White

I love that.

Bisi MacGregor

I'm part of this paradigm shift. I've made a decision. It's not going to be something I read in the books and say, Oh, history. I'm part of this history. I'm making this.

Jaime White

I agree, I agree. Yeah. influence in new ways without having the same belief systems that we've had.

Bisi MacGregor

Yes. It'd be amazing. I mean, the world would be different would be making choices. I mean, I'm talking about the per the person who's trapped in a marriage for the past 20 years. One of the reasons why she's in there is because Oh, my God, culture says I can't Oh my god, what am I going to lose financially if I do? What if you had the wealth?

Jaime White

Right, right.

Bisi MacGregor

What would you choose?

Jaime White

So this is interesting. I didn't expect to go here. We'll see. So my mom had the wealth and still chose to stay to the detriment of her health. And because I, I believe today, that she had emotional pain, that was so intense, but her belief system would not allow her to leave. So when I think about those belief systems and how they can implement or impact in our lives and manifest potentially disease, it's big stuff. It's we're not talking about little stuff.

Bisi MacGregor

No, we are not. No, we are not. And this thing has been ingrained in us in us from very young. Yeah, these belief systems. It's exactly why like you said, you can have the wealth but then still choose. Like Right, because most people, I can't leave, because it's still a fear, it's the fear. But there's something about when you know who you are at the core, and know you're okay, and you're grounded in who you are, and you understand your power, and you know how to step into your power. The world opens up in a whole nother way for you.

Jaime White

You know, I know what you're saying to be true. And I also feel like so many of the words that we say, when we get to these points are like cliche or like, you know, like, Oh, I've heard that before. But it doesn't really have the ability to have meaning until you're there. It's kind of like the whole walking around asleep. Like if you haven't actually done the work to get through your own fears. I, I just feel like, I mean, even when my husband and I talk on different podcasts that we have called Business Addicts, and talking about addiction and overcoming addiction, you know, we'll say things loosely, like we have tools and resources that we use, like, we're not trying to hide anything. So when you're working with people, and you say it's fear, and it's like, okay, but I can help you, right, like, a person that understands and has done this work before, is probably the best person to help you walk through this journey. Because trying to read about it or trying to understand the language that we're saying. Yeah, absolutely. We have to go through it.

Bisi MacGregor

You're so right. And it's one of the things that I love about what I do, because I've been there. I've been there. It's almost like I'm on the other side of the road. And I'm saying to you, listen, yes, you can cross this. I know the road is busy. But here's my hand. You can't you can totally do it. I've done it. Yeah, you can totally do it. I mean, I know what it feels like to be trapped in corporate and say, Oh, my God, what have a mortgage? What's going to happen? What are people going to say? I'm going to lose my title. I'm going to start from scratch.

Jaime White

So how many people that work with you end up starting businesses?

Bisi MacGregor

Oh, I'll tell you. So I have I run an event called Brunch with Bisi. Every other month and whatnot. This is part of the things that I thought it was only a thought, who's gonna want to sit and have brunch with me. Yeah, but I do this around the world now. And just sit with women. And we have deep conversations I teach and all of that. The last one I had was in Atlantic City in New Jersey, which was September 24, which was a month ago, literally a month ago. And a young lady came and attorney. And she thought too, you could tell she was just so deep in thought and whatnot. So it was on a Saturday, the next Saturday, she sends me a message as she says, busy since that conversation at brunch with Bisi. I've just been stirred up. And we had this conversation about building power of wealth, you have the power to build wealth. And she says there's a snack that I make. It's a meat snack. I make this I enjoy making it. And people love it. But I never thought in a million years, I could monetize it. Jaime, she has so many orders right now for the holiday season. She's going to be making an extra $5,000 before the end of the year.

Jaime White

Oh my word. That's amazing.

Bisi MacGregor

I mean, I was blown away. I was like, Wait, what is happening? She moved into action, created samples that next weekend took it to church and people make hay orders. I have family come in and can I get some?

Jaime White

Yeah. Can I order some shipping? That's awesome. I love that.

Bisi MacGregor

I do so I do so so I mean that lights me up. That's so lights me up. I had a gentleman who literally he was in. He's in Nigeria. He lives in Nigeria. We work together in my past company out there. And he attended one of my programs two weeks. That's it. And he stayed on my email list and whatnot. Anyway, so I see a picture of him on Instagram on this motorcycle, and this huge arc and it says Welcome to Bamako, Mali, he's in Mali, a different country entirely. And so what are you doing out here? He rode out there on his motorbike from Nigeria to Mali. And I think what's going on? How was that and he says, it's not the end. The goal is the United Kingdom. He's riding to London, on his bike, and I'm like, What is going on? And he says, I've been meaning to reach out to you. You have been instrumental in helping me to break out of my, my comfort zone, because I've been enmeshed in this thing for the past 10 years, trying to lie my ducks in a row. And I thought I'm not challenged anymore at work. I'm not I feel like I'm not living, I just want to, he's out there. And now his Instagram following is just growing and people are rooting for him. People are so inspired!

Jaime White

That's awesome.

Bisi MacGregor

Isn't it?

Jaime White

Yeah. When you said that it reminded me, and maybe I've shared this on the podcast already. But I've heard people reference corporate as soul-sucking. Yeah. I don't I don't understand again, because I wasn't in it. But why are we staying?

Bisi MacGregor

It's the fear. It's the conditioning, let's put it this way. It's conditioning, you know...

Jaime White

Why would you give up insurance benefits, safety and security? Yes, for a life.

Bisi MacGregor

Yes. And even before that, we're conditioned up until that that the pathway to success is you go to school, you get a degree and you get a job.

Jaime White

You're preaching, I love this, because this is normally my lane, bring it,

Bisi MacGregor

you get a job, you check this, that that's it. And if your parents did that, that's also what you saw. So that's your blueprint. And once you get in there, everybody's speaking the same language. This is it, everybody's fighting for the same corner office. So everybody starts doing things that are against who they are. And it's not to say you can't be successful in corporate because you can, I was successful in corporate. However, I believe you must be able to be your authentic self, in any space that you're in. Or corporate has a way of seeping into your soul. And just changing who you are, if you're not careful if you're not grounded in who you are. And your magic is the soul, your essence, the essence of who you are.

Jaime White

And it's really powerful. When you think about the things that other people have done in business, and that you tried, because you thought, well, maybe this works for me if it works for somebody else. Is there something that comes to mind that you're like, That was not me. I should have known from the beginning, but I thought

Bisi MacGregor

so I'll put it to you this way. When I first started it was this is the business model. This is the way it's supposed to go. You have this one offer. You have this one thing, you have this one thing and you deliver it this way has to be oh my god. I'm creative. I want some Can I do something creative? No, you got to make sure it's this way. And one of the things that I did was Brunch with Bisi. Yeah, you know, and that was something where that I had to chatter for a long time. Who you want people to pay to have waffles with you? Really, who's going to want to pay I mean, it was an it has been so in what I did basically was just follow my heart. Follow my inspiration that led me I love all things breakfast brunch. I'm in that energy when I'm at brunch, and I know I'm a well of wisdom, so whoever's around me, all you need to do is draw maybe that's it. Yeah. And the breakthroughs I mean, there's laughter There's tears, this is there's nurturing, there's gifts, so people leave heartfield soul-filled, belly full and hands full, because I'm also given gifts. You know, and they're just walking away changing their life so that the teachings that I heard earlier on that there is one business model, this is the way it's supposed to be, you'd get be successful. This is a blueprint. That's a lie. Your blueprint is in your heart.

Jaime White

I love that.

Bisi MacGregor

It's in your heart. And nobody gets it, which is another thing we all we also want people to get it. Do you get it? This is what it does not burn in their heart like it burns in yours.

Jaime White

Right, right. So interesting. When I think about the brunch thing, which is funny, because like you said, you know, somebody else might look at it and say, Well, this is not this does not fit the blueprint. You can't do this. But when I went on a girls trip a few years back, we had this plan to go eat breakfast, and then we were gonna go to the beach. And for some reason we didn't ever leave breakfast. Breakfast just continued and continue. And so I get what you're saying there was something about that moment where there were women in the room supporting each other. There was no place that we had to be after that. And so just that conversation could flow wherever it went and that we could be present for whoever was with us. And so I'm assuming that that is what it's like to have brunch with you.

Bisi MacGregor

Absolutely. I call it a sacred space. I call it a sacred space because whatever is present comes through I mean, women are coming in there. And at first, sometimes they aren't on guard, and then they realize I'm not alone. This is safe I can actually be and they realize, oh, wait a minute, I'm not the only one going through this thing that I'm going through. Yeah, the connections that happen and I say to people, brunch are busy, I cannot plan it. And I try. I plan, I have little content. And this is what I'm gonna do. If I were, this is what I'm gonna do. And then something totally different. Happens. The people that show up sometimes I don't know who showed up. They may have said, yes. But something happens that day. And they say, Hey, I gave my ticket to somebody else.

Jaime White

That's amazing.

Bisi MacGregor

And that person connects with someone else who's in the room. I mean, I've had that I've had someone who's been pregnant with a book for over a decade who came. And she met her book coach at Brunch with Bisi. It's amazing, right? In her book, I mean, so if we could allow, get to know who we are walking the essence of who we are, listen to our hearts, and have the courage to actually follow our hearts. That's our blueprint for success.

Jaime White

That's amazing. I love that. Do you have anything else that you would like to let listeners know about?

Bisi MacGregor

There's a whole lot, I could give your audience your listeners a gift. Actually, I'd love to do that. And I'd love to give them let's see, I'd love to give them a three-day course, where they can get their own Fearless Formula. This word, this three-day program, basically is designed to create fast and accelerated results where I show you how to reframe two of the most common fears and turn them into fuel for your freedom and for your success. So I'll give that to you all. And I hope you enjoy it.

Jaime White

It's amazing with your energy. I think that anyone would be interested and enjoy because when you have someone that has authentic energy, then it's inspiring.

Bisi MacGregor


Jaime White

And permission to be yourself.

Bisi MacGregor

Absolutely. And that's what we are all wanting. Yeah. Permission to just be ourselves. Think about the little kids like no, I don't want that. I want to wear this. No, they just want to be

Jaime White

Yeah. I have six boys. So I totally understand what you're saying. I want to just be Yeah. And we want them all to make choices. And so it's like okay, you each have your own voice. This is great. Thank you very much for offering and listeners that. Thank you.

Bisi MacGregor

You're welcome. Thank you. Thank you for having me.

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